Mosquitoes: Can they be gotten rid of, and what would happen if they suddenly vanish?
This is simply the most common question type requested to be answered, in several ways. "What is the main purpose of mosquitoes?", "What role do they play in the world?", and many other questions are asked.
If you have been bitten by a mosquito before, you have probably asked yourself these questions. But what would truly happen if we eliminate all mosquitoes in the world?

To the mosquitoes, the same questions are being asked about flies and cockroaches, like fleas and bedbugs, and ticks which are non-insects. Questions about mosquitoes will be answered because their facts can be used for other pests as well.
It is rare to hear people so anxious to effect extermination for once rather than trying to avoid it. This acrimony is not just because of the annoying nature of mosquitoes.
The World's Deadliest Animal to Humans
They are possibly the world's deadliest animal to humans, other humans are not excluded. Mosquitoes vector or spread diseases like yellow fever, malaria, dengue, Zika virus, chikungunya, West Nile Virus, which when joined cause more loss of lives every year than combining war and homicide together.
Knocking out these diseases would help save lots of lives, and stamp out much disability and suffering as well. These diseases would stop existing without these mosquitoes... but why is it like that?
Do We Have to Eliminate All the Mosquitoes?
Not at all, because not all mosquitoes are bad. They are a fly in the Culicidae family, and their species are over 3500 in the family. The female mosquitoes lay eggs most times in still water, or anywhere from a shallow pond to a puddle.
The larvae survive in the water, feeding on microbes and small algae or particles. They grow in the water, and the adult mosquito finally appears from the surface of the water and flies off.
What Do Adult Mosquitoes Feed On?
Most of these mosquitoes are vegetarian. They sip the nectar of flowers, fruit juices, plant sap, and they do not drink blood. So eliminating these species is not essential: even, it is meaningless. The over 90 species of one such powerless class.
Elephant mosquitoes, which are also called 'Toxorhynchites' as a result of their great size, are a supporter of our cause: elephant mosquitoes' larvae eat larvae of other mosquitoes.

Since they are useful, we should ensure any methods we want to implore in order to eliminate bad mosquitoes will not harm these gentle giants.
Of those mosquitoes that can suck blood and feed on humans, not all of them carry diseases of humans. More so, various species carry specific diseases.
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