Sangay Volcano in Ecuador let out a powerful eruption on September 20, at 4:20 local time. The explosion generated a dense, dark ash plume reaching out to an altitude of about 40,000 ft. The plume is moving towards the east and west direction.
The volcano is known as one of the most active volcanoes globally and the most active in Ecuador; Sangay volcano exhibited a high activity level since June of this year.
Ash fall covered the provinces of Chimborazo, Bolivar, Guayas Los Rios, Santa Elene and Manabi.
The ash fall also covered 55,000 hectares of a banana plantation. In the province of Chimborazo, there was so much ash that the daylight turned into night.

The Volcanic Activity of Sangay Volcano
Since January to June this year, Sangay volcano has been spewing ash plumes from 500 to 1,100 summit. The plumes would rise to more than 2,000 m and drift SW and W.
On September 15-22, authorities have recorded seismic activities such as high-level explosions, harmonic tremors, earthquakes, and ash plumes that rise as high as 2 km above the summit.
On September 20, the volcano let out an explosion with a massive ash cloud rising above the summit.
In Bucay and Cumanda districts, authorities restricted driving, prohibited the opening of establishments and outdoor activities from avoiding ash fall.
Meanwhile, operations were suspended in José Joaquín de Olmedo Airport in Guayaquil for seven hours to clean runways.
Chimborazo was most affected by the ash fall, especially in the districts of Guamote, Alausí, Chunchi, Pallatanga, and Cumandá. Photos from the area suggest poor visibility and ashes covering the streets, cars, and houses. Agricultural lands were greatly affected.
Residents and tourists are urged not to come near the danger zones. If the area is within the ash fall zone, use a mask, goggles, and limit exposure.
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The earliest recorded eruption was in 1628. Eruptions also occurred in 1628,1728, 1916, 1934, to the present.
Sangay volcano is in the Morona Santiago province's unpopulated region, approximately 25 miles from the city of Macas.
Local and regional Emergency Operations Committees were tasked to coordinate response measures and deliver humanitarian aid to affected areas.
Damaged Banana Plantation
The 55,000 hectares of the banana plantation is expected to decrease 25 percent to 30 percent of fruits exported worldwide. The loss is also equivalent to 1.5 million boxes of fruit, according to the banana exporters association.
The areas significantly impacted by the ashfall are Naranjito, Mata de Cacao (Babahoyo), El Triunfo in Guayas, among others.
The ash showers hasten the ripening process of the banana. Thus, to save the remaining bananas, workers in the field will have to follow a detailed guideline in handling and managing the fruit.
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