Are you ready to protect and hydrate your skin this winter? Meteorologists are predicting that a pattern shift could bring some of the coldest air of the season to the eastern and central parts of the United States. Cold air, snow flurries, and storm conditions could be the start of a stormy season.

Many of us may inadvertently start to neglect our skin in the cooler months, thinking the threat of the sun's rays is behind us. However, with chilly air and snow on the horizon, it's time to focus on keeping skin hydrated. Here are six tips to help you keep a glowing complexion.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Water is the best friend of your skin. If you've not been drinking water recently, today is the day to change that habit. Here's how to make water drinking a core part of your daily schedule:

●      Keep a water bottle by your bed for early morning sips.

●      Drink a cup of hot water first thing in the morning, with lemon if you like.

●      Carry water in a stainless or glass container with you.

●      Drink water before, during, and after workouts.

●      Choose water as your beverage instead of sugary sodas.

●      Enjoy sparkling water as a healthy celebration drink.

Drinking water is more than just avoiding dehydration. When you make water-drinking part of your daily habits, you'll start to notice that your skin can stay moist and glowing much easier.

Moisturize For Your Skin Type

Moisturizing is a smart and strategic habit-especially during the winter months. On these cold days, it's easy to forget that the climate is drying. We may be spending more time indoors, with the furnace going nonstop. This has the natural effect of drying the skin.

Or, we may be outside doing sporty activities and feeling the impact of wind, sun, and cold. Either way, winter is the season to be consistent in moisturizing. If you aren't sure where to start, pick a day moisturizer to protect you during the peak hours of the day.

Consider your skin type, as specific moisturizers are better for oily or dry skin. Once you've got the day covered, focus on the night. A nighttime moisturizer can help neutralize pollutants and strengthen your skin while you sleep.

If you have key issues such as aging, wrinkles, or under-eye lines, pick the moisturizer that is made to intensively hydrate and improve elasticity. Conversely, if you have acne-prone skin, you may want to look for a lighter moisturizer.

Be Generous With Sunscreen

Even on dark, cloudy days of winter, the sun is shining. The UV rays can go through the clouds and damage your skin. While it may not be as obvious as sunbathing at the beach, being outside in the snow is the time to apply a moisturizing sunscreen.

Snow reflects the sun's rays. Winter is the time for protecting your skin. Any time you spend outside is also the time to put on a broad-spectrum sunscreen. Think about packing sunscreen in your purse, pockets, and briefcase so it's always on hand when you need it.

Apply it liberally when you are walking in the park, running errands, skiing, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating. If you're outside, be sure you're wearing sunscreen.

Refine Your Nutrition

While moisturizing the skin often refers to what you're putting on the outside, consider what you're putting inside your body. Eating a healthy and nutritious diet can have a very positive impact on your skin. Some supplements such as fish oils and flaxseed oil are often part of a skin-friendly regimen.

Explore the power of fish oils by eating more fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel. If you find this helps you, investigate natural oils such as safflower, olive oil, and soybean oil. Talk with your dermatologist or medical provider to find the best nutritional support for keeping your skin in a healthy condition.

Minimize Shower Time

While drinking water is very hydrating, being in the water can be dehydrating. During the winter months, aim for shorter showers. As it turns out, those longer, hotter showers can have a drying effect on your skin.

If you can't imagine taking shorter showers, don't despair. Enjoy your shower, but be sure to load up on moisturizer afterward. By giving your skin a blast of moisturizer, you can help it better recover after showering or bathing.

Apply Moisturizing Soaps and Lotions

Check out your soap and make sure that it is part of the solution, not part of the problem. With some careful investigation, you can pick a soap that adds moisture instead of pulling it from your skin. Keep in mind that skin can change between different seasons.

In the summer, you may only need a light lotion. However, in winter, your dry skin may be ready to drink up a thicker cream. Experiment with rich lotions and ointments to find the best choice to keep your skin healthy this winter and you'll have your glow back before you know it!