As the record-setting fires rage in California, we come face to face with the stark and deadly reality of climate change. Some ignore it while others outright deny it. But the experts agree that whatever is causing it, climate change is a real problem that will only get worse if we don't make some drastic course corrections. One of the biggest challenges is figuring out what it is we can do about it. We can fight viruses with masks and vaccines. We can fight pollution with clean air initiatives. But we have not yet crafted a weapon capable of counteracting the weather.

Compounding the problem is the fact that the environmental battle is being fought on multiple fronts. Even now, an oil spill the size of New York City poses a risk to marine life in the Mediterranean Sea. We are dealing with unprecedented hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. Even veteran rescuers are being swept away by the forces of nature arrayed against us. These fires and storms represent a clear and present danger. They get all of our attention while the bigger challenge of climate change looms ever larger. What can we do as individuals to contribute to the solution? Here are a few suggestions:

Purchase Eco-friendly Consumables

One of the best things we can do to combat climate change is to not start up the car as often as we do. Outside of commuting to work, the top reason many people get in the car is to go to the store to purchase consumables. The faster you consume your consumables, the more frequently you have to go to the store. And the less eco-friendly those consumables are, the more harm we do to the environment.

Start with simple things like cat litter crystals. You won't have to completely change out the litter until a month of use. That means you will have to make far fewer litter runs. When it comes to firing up your car's engine, it doesn't matter if you are going for one item or a month's worth of groceries. Each trip burns the same amount of fuel.

You can also cut down on your consumable trips by purchasing larger bags and boxes of your most used supplies. Even if the product has no particular environmental value, you will still be doing a great service by limiting the number of times you have to make a run to the store for it. Better decisions about your basic consumables can make a difference in climate change.

Support Businesses That Do the Right Thing

Consider doing more business with eco-friendly businesses you can feel good about. There are plenty of companies that provide services we all need. Many of those corporations leave us having to hold our collective noses due to the fact that no competitive alternatives are available. No one wants to make that kind of deal with the devil. But most of life's hard choices don't come with easy answers.

That doesn't mean there are no companies out there doing the right thing by the environment. They are worth seeking out and supporting. We have to make conscious decisions about where we want our money to go. All too often, that decision is taken out of our hands. But when we can make a better decision, we should.

Teach Your Kids About Climate Change

One of the reasons we are so behind with regard to climate change is that we didn't know about the threat early enough. We have been reacting to the crisis rather than being proactive with solutions. That doesn't have to be the case for the next generation.

You don't have to go all PBS on them. But it is important that you make sure your children are informed about the reality of climate change. Be sure they attend a climate-aware school. Let them grow up with the knowledge of the challenges they face so that their career goals can be shaped by that knowledge. While true that it is never too late to start, it is even truer that it is never too early.

The task is too big for any one person. But if we all do our part, we can have a positive effect on climate change. Do your part by purchasing eco-friendly consumables, supporting businesses that are doing the right thing, and preparing the next generation to be proactive and not just reactive to the challenges ahead.