Photo by Patty Brito on Unsplash

(Photo : Patty Brito on Unsplash)

Nursing is a decision for life. 

It is a rewarding career, and nurses are paid well and considered the most essential health care workers in hospitals. Nursing is also among the least popular occupations with a low turnover rate. 

In addition, nurses are required to undergo rigorous training courses, such as nursing assistant courses and diploma courses that require significant time investment. 

As you progress, you might think about starting your own business in specialized areas of nursing like home care or hospice. But what do you need to know before taking that big step?

Nurse Qualifications

You can't just don a nurse outfit and begin treating people in a hospital; like all professions, you will need to get some qualifications if you are thinking of becoming a nurse. 

Different countries have different requirements and qualifications, but generally, nurses are required to have studied to degree level. 

To do any advanced practice work, such as specialized routes, you'll need a post-master's qualification in that field.

You can get a post-master's qualification to become a general nurse practitioner, but if you want to specialize, you'll need to look into what qualifications that field requires. For example, if you want to work in adult-gerontology, you'll need to take a post-master's agacnp qualification.

Getting qualifications as soon as possible is key to your success as a nurse.

What Makes Up a Professional Nurse?

So, what does it take to be a professional nurse? 

It takes much more than being a person who is willing to repay the high cost of training and education. 

You need to have certain qualities that are needed in a nurse, but also in any other profession. 

Each type of nurse has their own set of roles and responsibilities, so there is no one role that exists for every kind of nurse. 

You have to have the qualities of being a caring, compassionate, and patient person. Anyone who has taken a nursing course knows that they need to be good listeners and supportive.

To facilitate these qualities, you will need to work very hard. 

A nurse who is in a fast-paced environment might not be able to cope with the pressure and stress of their job, but it's important not just to be in such a profession but also in this kind of profession. 

If you are looking for an advanced career path, you'll have to invest time and effort into getting the qualifications that will make you stand out from other nurses.

Why Become a Nurse?

Nursing is regularly ranked one of the most popular careers, so there are plenty of reasons to go into this profession. 

Every year there are more jobs available in other health care settings for nurses, like medical assistants and home health aides.

Even as the economy improves, these settings will always be needed because health care is a necessity. This makes getting into any type of nursing an advantageous choice.

Another reason to become a nurse is the good pay you'll get when you enter this field. 

The average salary for all nurses is $75,330 per year, making nursing a very reasonable career with plenty of job security and job satisfaction.

Nurse Qualities: How to Determine If You Would Make a Great Nurse

Before deciding to become a nurse, it is important to consider the following qualities that nurses possess: compassion, empathy, integrity, and patience. 

What makes nurses great is not just their skills and technical knowledge but also their innate traits of being able to deal with people with dignity and respect while providing high-quality care.

Here are a few qualities that will help you to succeed within the nursing field:

A Passion for Nursing - The Desire to Help People

At its core, nursing is about helping people in need and people who are in pain or unwell to be better again, and that's something that nurses generally care about and enjoy. 

If you love people and want to help them, you'll be more likely to succeed as a nurse as opposed to someone who is just interested in becoming a nurse for the money.

Empathy - Being Patient with People Under Stress and Distress

Nurses help people who are suffering from physical pain and illness, but they also work with people who are emotionally agitated or under stress, which can be a highly difficult job. 

As nurses don't have the luxury of not being under pressure as they witness people's suffering, they must be able to understand what their patients are going through.

Team Player - Leadership Skills and Hospital Culture

Most people become nurses to work in a clinical environment and to work with people. 

In order for a nurse to be successful, they must be able to relate well with others and be able to help make their team function like a well-oiled machine.

Nurses are required to take charge of situations but also have the ability to cooperate with others and listen to their suggestions.

Good Communication Skills - Being Able to Communicate Clearly

For anyone who is considering becoming a nurse, it is essential that they have good communication skills.

You cannot be a nurse if you cannot communicate effectively, which is why it's important that you can speak English fluently. 

Communication is more than just speaking the language, though; it's about understanding what is being said and reading between the lines. Communication is also about teaching people and building a connection.

Being Responsible - Take Full Responsibility for Your Actions 

Nurses are not allowed to put the needs of their patients before their own, which means that nurses have to take full responsibility for every action they make. 

Making patients better and helping them fulfill their goals and visions is something that nurses always aim for and will ensure your success as a nurse.

Curiosity - Thinking Outside the Box

Doctors have a medical degree, but nurses have a post-graduate degree, so in order for you to be successful in your work and find new ways to better the lives of your patients, you'll need to have a lot of curiosity. 

Asking questions is key to discovering answers and getting ahead as a nurse. 

You'll be constantly learning new things about the nursing field and about the world, so you'll have to be able to adapt to situations as they arise. 

Proficiency in Medical Work - Patient-Centered Experience

Being a nurse is primarily a medical profession, and this means that nurses will spend a lot of their time interacting with people who are ill and injured. 

For a nurse to be effective, they must know their medical field inside out, which entails being proficient in medicine. It's important that you know how to use things like stethoscopes, syringes, and bandages, as well as having knowledge of drug terminology.

Emotional Stability - Able to Work Under Stressful Conditions 

Nurses deal with situations that anyone else would not be able to handle. 

They are exposed to blood and vomit on a daily basis, they see the insides of others, they see people at their absolute lowest, and they make split-second decisions on what they should do next. 

Nurses have to put up with a lot of danger and a lot of pressure, but they also have to stay calm in the eye of the storm. 

That's where emotional stability comes in, as stress levels can be high, and things can get very intense in different situations. However, a nurse must always be able to think clearly and calmly so that they are able to do their job well. 

Adaptability - Open-Mindedness and Adaptability to Change

As a nurse, it is possible for you to be exposed to situations that change constantly, and you have to be able to adapt accordingly. 

It's the same thing when you go on holiday; you need to make sure that you pack light but also make sure that you can stay warm and do other things while away. 

As a nurse, it's important that you're able to think in a different way so that your mind is open to new ideas and new approaches, but also so that you're able to work with people who are different from yourself.

Organization - Time Management and Accountability 

Being a nurse requires organization and responsibility. 

You have to be able to keep track of events, make sure you can work around your hours, and make sure that you're accountable for everything you do. 

Organization also means that you should invest your time wisely in order for your performance to mean something. It's important that you take the initiative, and being fully accountable for awarding your own performance is something that you should always strive for.

Creative Thinking - Good Problem-Solving Skills

A nurse needs to be creative in their approach to problems. 

You should formulate your strategies long before you're ever put into a situation where you have to make a decision, which means that you get more prepared for when the time comes for action. 

There are several possible solutions to every problem, but when it comes down to it, only one solution will work in any given situation, and if you want to be successful as a nurse, then you must use your creativity and problem-solving skills to do the job well.

How To Develop the Qualities Necessary to Be a Nurse?

Even though there are many reasons why you should consider becoming a nurse, there are also many reasons why you should not. 

The main reason why most people do not become nurses is that they think it is going to be boring. 

If you want to be successful as a nurse, it's important that you are able to find more ways to make your job interesting and fun. 

You can do this in certain ways, such as by wanting to take on new challenges but also by learning about different areas of medicine that interest you. 

As a nurse, you can always find ways to make things more fun and interesting, but you also need to realize that when things are not fun, they will be boring. 

Before you can become a nurse, you must develop the qualities that are required from someone who has the potential to be one. 

Why is Personal Growth Important to Nurses?

It is important that you develop a strong sense of responsibility. This will help you to take action, and you will learn the lessons faster than others who do not feel the same sense of obligation. 

Nurses cannot take on someone else's problems, and at times things can get very personal for a nurse. When things do get personal for a nurse, it does not mean there is any less responsibility; it just means that the task at hand has more meaning than usual.

How to Prepare for the Journey

The most important thing when you are going to take on this career is to really understand what it involves and how it will help others. 

There are many different aspects, such as anatomy, nursing theory, patient care, and so on, and by understanding the importance of all of these aspects, you can become a more professional nurse. 

Being a nurse means that you have to follow strict rules that govern how you work with your patients and just how much care you show them. To be an excellent nurse, you must also be able to know what is allowed by law and by the nurses' association. 

When studying to become a nurse, it is a good idea to learn about the different areas of medicine that you can work in. 

When you are in this field, it is good to have knowledge outside of what your basic classes will teach you. 

In order to further your education, it is also important that you take on nursing courses after your initial course training. 

You do not only learn about the health care course but also about the patients themselves.