Photo by Flo Maderebner

(Photo : Flo Maderebner from Pexels)

With all the to-do and not to-do tasks in our everyday lives, finding a plausible excuse for not following a strict meditation routine is normally " who has the time". Another culprit responsible for causing this self-care practice to go astray is travel.

Travelling can be stressful and exhausting, but we all know nothing wards off stress as effectively as meditation. With a slight shift in perspective, it is easy to find time sitting in the train, or during a trip on Uber or on an airplane flight to meditate, just as well as you do in your private space at home.

From your daily morning commuting to long-haul air trips, follow this quick guide to help you meditate effectively in transit. Who knows, different surroundings may bring new experiences, some of which you may actually enjoy.

Try an app

If you find it difficult to meditate while traveling, there are many apps available to help you meditate when on the go. Meditation apps are fuss-free and easily accessible. You don't have to purchase any premium subscription plan as there is a lot of free content.

Many apps have even partnered with airlines to offer in-flight audio exercises to help passengers to relax and get a good sleep. If you are allergic then carry an allergy app. The cutting-edge technology of today offers some of the best allergy apps 2022 with innovative features to ease your journey.

Stay committed

At the time of making your travel plans, commit to yourself that no matter what, you will make it a point to meditate every day. This may even mean sacrificing something like a social engagement or sleep to achieve this.

Successful persons are those who see that things are on track every single day. They ensure to stay focused without fail. Once you have made the decision to stay committed, you will find that other meditating steps will also fall in place. Remember, never negotiate on your meditation. If you choose to defer it till later, it will most probably never happen.

Regulate your breath

Public transportation, especially during commuting hours, is replete with stressors. Rather than making you feel comfortable and relaxed it makes you anxious and overwhelmed. In a busy and crowded city, learning to regulate your breath can induce a meditative state.

Sit down, when possible, and make a conscious effort to take ten deep breaths over a period of two to three minutes. This fruitful hack will show instantaneous results as you begin to notice a shift in your state of well-being.

Preparation is the key

There is nothing that causes more strife than running into a crowd of travelers at the railway station or the airport. Plan to get there at least fifteen minutes before your scheduled arrival to give you some time to relax and take deep breaths.

This will prepare you mentally and physically for the trip and make your journey smooth, even if things veer off course, as they usually do. Meditation will help you to stay calm and composed in the face of delayed trains and flights.

Pack accessories

While accessories can be helpful tools in the beginning, they should not be over utilized. This is because if you do not have them on you at certain moments, you might lose interest in meditation.

A time-tested tool to put the mind and body at rest is aromatherapy. Use of calming oils while travelling can boost well-being. Travel with a small essential oil diffuser, which you can turn on before you sleep to get you in the right frame of mind.