Environmental Consciousness: How You Can Do Your Part

(Photo : Giulia Bertelli via Unsplash)

We can no longer deny that our planet is in dire shape. Scientists have repeatedly warned us about the destruction that we are causing us for years. Some believe that it is too late and that the damage is now irreversible. However, others contend that we still have some time to make things right. 

It must be noted that the people responsible who need to take action are those in high level positions, such as government officials and top-level CEOs. However, as consumers and citizens of the world, we cannot simply sit back and watch our home deteriorate. 

But how exactly is the planet suffering? Can we truly witness a tangible difference over the last decade? Let's go over some jaw-dropping facts about climate change

  • Sea levels rose more than 1.6 inches 

  • Ice levels decreased to an all-time low 

  • Carbon dioxide emissions grew 10% 

  • Global temperatures increased by 1.1 degree Celsius 

In this guide, you'll learn about the different ways you can help our environment and become more conscious about your daily decisions.  

Make Use of Renewable Energy 

If everyone made the switch to renewable, or at least greener, sources of energy we could cut carbon emissions significantly. Reach out to your local energy provider and ask them if they have any electricity packages that come from green sources of energy. Adversely, you can take matters into your own hands by installing a series of WA solar power generators. Think of it as an investment into your financial future as well as the physical future of the Earth. 

Conduct a Peaceful Protest 

Raising awareness and getting the attention of your local government is another way that you can help increase environmental consciousness within your community. If you need any inspiration, you can simply turn to Greta Thunberg. This inspirational climate activist began worldwide protests against climate change when she was only 15 years of age. Make sure to alert the rest of the protestors that it's a completely peaceful demonstration and don't forget to bring plenty of signs.  

Switch To a Plant Based Diet 

Plant based diets can help reduce deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the mass production of meat products. Global food supplies cause some of the biggest disruptions to our environment. Even reducing your meat intake to once or twice a week can help massively. Now more than ever there are tons of vegetarian and vegan options on the menu to help you have a smooth transition. 

Minimise and Recycle Your Waste 

Take a moment to think about how much waste you actually produce. We even challenge you to keep an eye on your garbage and tally how much trash you take out at the end of every week. We're talking plastic, cardboard, and even food waste. Try to minimise the waste in your household by taking your own containers to the shop, washing, and reusing plastic zip lock bags, or even starting a compost bin. You can use the latter as a fertiliser to grow your garden as green and luscious as possible. 

Vote Tactically in Elections 

Unfortunately, it is not just up to us to change our lifestyle. We need to force politicians, CEOs, and heads of state to take real action against climate change. Therefore, you'll need to vote tactically in elections. Most communities always have a party or candidate that is more environmentally conscious. If you can't vote yourself, maybe you can help the party by volunteering and try to get their message across to others. If you can vote, but you feel like your community doesn't have an appropriate spokesperson, why not nominate yourself for this role? 

Be Conscious of Your Purchases 

At the end of the day, we have a responsibility as consumers to only purchase products from brands and companies that we can be proud of. This means cutting out suppliers like fast fashion brands and other environmentally harmful businesses. Thankfully, there are more options than ever before when it comes to purchasing products from environmentally friendly brands. For example, Lush cosmetics for your beauty products, Ben and Jerry's for your ice cream, Toms for your shoes, and Patagonia for your outerwear and clothes. 

Travel Responsibly to Reduce Carbon Emissions 

Another way you can help better the environment is by becoming more conscious of your carbon footprint and, thankfully, there are many ways you can reduce this. Think about your commute to work, are there any co-workers in the area that could give you a lift in the morning? Perhaps you live near public transport links that can take you into town? Another way to reduce your carbon footprint is by cutting down on the number of flights you take each year. If you're planning a holiday, why not explore places that are close to your region instead of taking flights to other continents. 

Shop as Locally as Possible 

Not only will shopping locally help put money into the pockets of neighbours in your community, but it will also reduce carbon emissions. Visit your local farmers market and spend the day tasting all the beautiful produce your area has to offer. You'll be surprised as to how much better food tastes when it is locally sourced. Most food that is grown within your region will taste much fresher than food that has been imported halfway across the world before settling in your kitchen.

Overall, we should adopt these practices and encourage others to do the same. Sure, perhaps one single person recycling or switching to a vegetarian diet won't make much of a difference. However, if you multiply this number by the millions, it's sure to make somewhat of an impact. 

For the greater good of society, we must protect our flora and fauna at all costs. If we refuse to do so, we will soon witness a dire future. We have already begun to experience extreme weather conditions and if we don't do something to make a difference, the worst is yet to come.