Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

(Photo : Tranmautritam from Pexels)

More people love cats than those who don't, and there are currently an estimated 86 million pet cats in America alone. And while these cute and cuddly little aloof monsters provide endless hours of entertainment for us on social media and in our homes, there are certainly some negative aspects to keeping pet felines, as well. Cats can be bad for the environment, from killing birds to spreading diseases to cat litter that fills up landfills and does not biodegrade. Here are a few ways to make sure your little pet has little impact on the environment.

Biodegradable Waste Bags

Cleaning out cat litter boxes has to be done on a regular basis, and most people usually throw that used litter into the trash. If you are using biodegradable cat litter, then that is a great step in the right direction. However, if you are then throwing that waste into a plastic, non-biodegradable bag when it goes in the trash, then that negates the good you are doing with the biodegradable litter. Single-use biodegradable pet waste bags are available that can be used to throw litter away, but they will not take decades to break down. Combine this with biodegradable litter, and you are reducing your kittie's carbon footprint.

Buy Food and Litter in Bulk

One thing that is always a given for cat owners is that you are going to be buying a lot of food and a lot of litter. Pay attention to the packaging, and if you can buy either of these items in bulk locally, that is your best bet. Buying bulk online is also good, but it also detracts from being very environmentally friendly because it still has to get transported to your house. Another bonus of buying in bulk is that it is usually easier on your wallet, as the cost per unit is usually lower on bulk items.

Look for Eco-friendly Toys

Cute cats come with cute toys - and an abundance of them! If you are a typical cat owner, your cat has plenty of toys, some that they play with often and some that they never pay attention to. To make this part of your cat's life more environmentally friendly, look for cat toys that are made from recyclable and biodegradable materials. Cats do not care about color, and no matter what type of toy your cat likes, you can likely find a version that is more eco-friendly than what you have.

Look for Eco-friendly Food and Litter

For cat food and litter, it is not only the packaging that can be more eco-friendly, but the food and litter itself can be better for the environment. For cat food, it is important to look for eco-conscious brands that have made a commitment to lower their environmental impact. Zero-waste cat food does exist, or take it to the next level and make your own cat food. Cat litter is easier, as many eco-friendly brands exist, made of many different types of environmentally friendly materials. Remember to always check with your vet before changing your cat's litter, though, and be aware that your cat may not accept certain types of litter.

Keep Your Cat Indoors

Unfortunately, cats are bad for birds. And as much as some kitties like to spend time outside, it is very important to keep cats indoors as much as possible. Cats have been responsible for decimating - and even causing extinction - for some of the bird population over the years. Furthermore, the growing population of wild and feral cats from people abandoning or losing their pets means that this issue is not slowing down any time soon. It is estimated that as many feral cats exist as pet cats, meaning that for every three people there is a cat outside that may kill two birds a week.


Having a little furry companion is no doubt the best, and many of us would not survive without our daily dose of adorable cat pictures and memes on the internet. But being a cat owner does require a level of responsibility, and part of that responsibility includes helping your pet be the best contributor to environmental issues that they can be. Your kitty, the planet superhero.