Small Actions To Take In Combating Climate Change

(Photo : Image by Tumisu from Pixabay )

It isn't news that the planet is undergoing significant climate change, and without a massive undertaking, the climate changes will adversely affect weather patterns the world over.

The impacts of climate change can already be felt throughout the world. From incredible amounts of rainfall in Italy, Germany, New York City, and other locations and more severe weather events worldwide, the impacts on climate are clear. Extreme weather, immense drought, and lack of drinking water become the norm over time without a massive global undertaking.

But until governments and corporations take the threat as seriously as it deserves, what can the average person do to minimize the impact they may have on the climate?

Effects Of Climate Change

As we discuss the possible options to minimize your impact on the climate, it's important to discuss some of the potential issues from inaction.

One of the main issues will be more extreme weather events, unpredictable weather patterns, a scarcity of natural resources, and a catastrophic lack of access to drinkable water. The problems that stem from climate change will affect the poorest the most, putting almost 5 billion people at risk. In the United States, it means it will impact millions of low-income families and could adversely impact minorities in some of the country's poorest areas the most.

Some of the main effects predicted with climate change will be a significant change in weather patterns.

●      Increase in maximum temperatures - the highest temperatures

●      Decrease in minimum temperatures - the lowest temperatures

●      Rising sea levels

●      Higher ocean temperatures

●      Increased precipitation events

●      Thawing permafrost

●      Shrinking glaciers

With extreme weather patterns predicted, homes must be prepared for more efficient heating and cooling options. Whether it's creating sustainable heating or cooling options, improving insulation needs, or a more efficient HVAC system, the time to act is now.

However, before you go to great lengths to change your home's HVAC options, it's best to consult with a professional that can guide you and take care of the old insulation removal before adding more efficient insulation options for your home.

Actions You Can Take Now

While governments may fiddle while Rome burns (which is a historical reference to the Roman Emperor Nero, who was rumored to fiddle while the city of Rome burned down), there are some things you can do to minimize your impact on the climate.

Taken together, the small actions of everyone can become compounded to make a massive impact positively or negatively.

The small individual actions you can take include:

●      Speak up to your local, state, and federal government demanding action: By demanding your government take action, you can influence future legislation to address climate change issues.

●      Lower your energy consumption: Wasteful energy consumption puts a strain on the environment by increasing the consumption of fossil fuels, a driving factor in climate change.

●      Decrease water use: Increased global temperatures will disrupt the world's water supply, placing most people at risk of water shortages. By decreasing your water impact, you're helping minimize the amount of water in a given area.

●      Minimize wasteful packaging: Packaging and bags often end up in landfills, which require a massive amount of carbon to transport and distribute.

●      Make your home more sustainable: Sustainability starts at home. Consider ways to lower your energy demands and water usage.

●      Use energy-efficient appliances: Choosing energy-efficient devices and appliances and unplugging them when not used is a good strategy.

●      Implement energy-efficient heating and cooling systems: The biggest waste of energy is homes with inefficient heating and cooling.

●      Switch to solar and other sustainable energy solutions: Solar energy has many advantages, from moving off the electrical grid to tax breaks.

●      Eliminate food waste and consume fewer meats: Meat requires a ton of energy, food, and water to produce at an exponential rate higher than a plant-based diet.

●      Use more public transportation and move away from fossil fuel-driven cars: Using public transportation and switching to hybrid or fully electric vehicles will decrease the number of fossil fuels consumed.

The most important thing you can do is to try to lessen your carbon footprint.

The suggestions above, when taken together, are just one small step a person can take to limit the negative impacts on the environment, lower energy consumption, and decrease the impact they have on the climate.

And improving the isolation of your home is one of the most crucial ways to lower the impact on the climate while helping you save money and live more comfortably at the same time.