The Harmful Effects of Getting a Dog Bite

(Photo : Unsplash)

Whether a dog appears friendly and affectionate or not, there is always a risk of dog bites, which can leave a nasty, painful wound. Dog bites make up a large percentage of total bites, with millions occurring every year. 

When a dog bites you, it's crucial that you seek medical help, document the incident, and contact an attorney. Dog bite lawyers can help you make a claim and gain compensation after receiving a dog bite.

There are a number of harmful effects of getting a dog bite.

1.      It leaves a nasty wound

A dog's teeth can pierce the skin, leaving a painful wound. If wounds are left untreated, it can lead to infection, particularly if the wound is large or deep.

Although the skin might look okay, it's important to check the internal structures that might have been damaged. Dogs have rounded teeth that can cause serious damage to the skin, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, nerves, and even the bone if the dog bite is deep enough.

Make sure to elevate any wound, and wrap it tightly with a clean towel or cloth to prevent further bleeding. Immediately contact a doctor if you have severe pain or if you see signs of infection.

2.                It can leave a scar

If the dog bite has gone through the skin and reached the underlying tendons, it has the potential to leave a scar that could affect the movement of the surrounding muscle.

3.                Risk of infection

There is also a risk of bacteria being passed from the dog's mouth into the body, which can lead to infection. Whether the skin appears damaged or not, you must look out for signs of infection.

There are several types of bacteria that can enter your body after a dog bite, with the most common being Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. If a dog has not been vaccinated, they could be carrying bacteria or viruses that can enter your body when they bite you.

Symptoms of infection include


Redness around the wound


Heat around the wound

If an infection gets worse and spreads to other parts of the body, symptoms can include fever, excessive sweating, and dizziness.

If you suspect your wound is infected, use a towel or piece of cloth to stop any bleeding, and seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

Risk of rabies

Along with a number of wild animals, dogs can carry rabies if they are not vaccinated. This can be passed onto humans if they get bitten. Rabies is a very serious condition that can lead to death.

The symptoms of rabies are





Difficulty swallowing


If you are worried you may have contracted rabies from the dog bite, contact a medical professional as quickly as possible. They will provide treatment to prevent further complications, and will offer a rabies vaccination.