What Are the Jobs You Need a College Degree for?

(Photo : Pexels)

When we're kids dreaming about what we want to be when we grow up, the sky is the limit. We don't think about all steps we have to take to get there, but more about the goal. As we grow up and start developing our academic background, the time comes to look at what it really takes to make our dreams come true. Some of the most in-demand jobs these days require a college degree, which takes some planning, saving, and motivation.

One big part of college admissions is your application essay, which separates you from the competition. If you're pushed for time or want to pass on the task to a professional, try a resume writing service like Skillhub.com while you finish up your work. Don't let your admissions essay get in the way, and get accepted into the university of your choice to make your dreams come true.              

1. Registered Nurses (RNs)

Those who love to help people often dream of becoming a nurse. They work alongside doctors to keep patients comfortable and healthy, often spending much more quality time with them. As a nurse, there are many routes that one can take, either taking on a general career or specializing in one particular field. To become a nurse, you'll need at least a Bachelor's degree with a nursing specialization. From there, you'll likely have to go through nursing school to keep on climbing the educational ladder. Many universities have programs aimed at international students, as nursing is a pretty hot career.

2. Athletic Trainers

If you're a sport's fanatic, a career as an athletic trainer could be a dream come true. The industry is always looking for trainers that can help keep their team members healthy. Possibilities span from high school sports to college sports and into the big leagues, where you'll be working aside superstar athletes. On average, athletic trainers bring in over $48,000 a year, depending on their experience. To score a spot on the field and become part of the team, you'll need at least a Bachelor's degree.

3. Software Developers

If you're a computer nerd, more than likely, you've had dreams of developing the next big thing in software. As a software developer, you could follow many different directions, whether working on a specific technology or developing video games. There is a lot of demand for big data experts as more and more companies switch to digital services. Because technology doesn't seem to be going anywhere, not only is the job promising, but it will pay on average $105,000 a year. You'll need a degree in computer programming to start your journey and kick off your dream career.

4. Cybersecurity Analysts

In the same realm of developers are cybersecurity analysts. They are the developers of security systems and software that help protect web services from hackers and attacks. The digital landscape continues to grow and has the sophistication of cyberattacks. The need for cybersecurity specialists is high and necessary to keep things up, running, and safe. To jump into this field, you'll need a computer science degree and could even continue your education with a Master's degree.

5. Human Resource Managers

HR is all about creating a fair playing field for employees. They deal with top executives and employees to tackle issues and create a better organization for more efficient business practices. Those who desire a career as a human resources manager are usually great at leading and organizing and have excellent communication skills, and talk to employees at all levels. On average, they earn over $110,000 per annum and only need a Bachelor's degree to get started.

6.Industrial Engineers

Engineering is a hot career. Those who love to solve problems and improve systems, reduce waste, and increase cost-efficiency excel at this type of career. There are several startup ideas for college students in the engineering field, as students are prepared to tackle many industry issues. The job comes with an average salary of $88,020 per year. This, however, depends on a student's experience, degree title, and the company that they begin to work for. The higher you take your education, the better-quality job you can land, and the higher you get paid.

7. Mental Health Counselors

Many people dream of helping others on another level outside of the hospital. This is where mental health counselors come into play, offering treatments for individuals and groups to help them improve their mental health. Such services could be geared toward those who suffer from marital abuse, substance abuse, or depression. Often, these counselors are employed in a mental health center and others within prisons or schools to help those who need it, depending on the counseling degree program or specialty they've completed. The average annual salary for a mental health counselor is $46,240 and requires a degree in social work to land a job,

8. Lab Technicians

If you love science and working in a laboratory atmosphere, a career as a lab technician could be perfect. You'll analyze tests of fluids and tissues extracted from the human body to check for particular things, including transfusions. Part of the job is running the proper tests and providing accurate results after analysis. Because there are several potentially harmful chemicals and substances involved in the job, technicians must be trained and hold a degree in life sciences. They can expect about $52,000 per year.

9. Marketing Managers

If you like working in a team setting and thinking outside the box, a career as a marketing manager could be for you. You'll analyze user behavior and create ways to turn potential customers into lifelong clients. It's all about pumping out new and fun ideas, creating the next big advertising campaign for giant corporations or companies. There are no limits to companies that hire marketing managers, as each company thrives on capturing attention. Marketing managers make well over $100K per year, with the average falling at $135,900. To start, you'll need a creative attitude and a Bachelor's degree in public relations or marketing and communications.

Here you go with the most demanded professions to pursue after receiving a Bachelor's degree. Good luck in studies and career growth!