Do you feel tired and completely exhausted in the morning? You have no strength for anything, and you want to sleep all day? Perhaps the reason is the typical mistakes that most of us make in our daily life.
Why Is Your Health Getting Worse?
Are you trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, even went on a diet and went to a fitness club, but it does not help you feel more invigorated, on the contrary?
It may be a matter of common mistakes that most of us make - especially these hidden mistakes are typical for those who decide to take care of themselves. You don't have to do all of them. Two or three are enough to fall out of normal life.
Mistakes That Are Destroying Your Health
1- You Don't Drink Enough Water
Most of us admit that we are unable to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Yes, it's not easy when it comes to clean water. Why is that bad? Did you know that one of the main causes of headache attacks in people is precisely the lack of fluid in the body? If you have a headache from time to time, try replacing the pill with a couple of glasses of clean water.
It is possible that after this you will no longer need the pill. In addition to feeling unwell, dehydration affects our appearance. The skin becomes dry and loses firmness, lips crack, and there is a constant dryness in the mouth. Add to this digestive problem and the threat of constipation. Dehydration also affects performance and overall mood.
How To Help Yourself
Train yourself to drink water! Add your favorite berries, lime juice, lemon juice, mint leaves to the water. Improve the taste of plain" water, make it more attractive to yourself.
Or just pour yourself two-liter bottles of water - one you have to drink at home, the other - at work. Remember that drinking enough water helps curb your appetite and thus allows you to more effectively fight overeating and excess weight.
2- You Consume Alcohol
Most of us know how alcohol can destroy our health. But still, we are consuming it daily. However, the urge to increase the dose increases as days pass by, and a person becomes an addict.
Nausea, vomit, headache, stress, anxiety, and many other diseases become a part of regular life. It affects not only you but also your loved ones.
How To Help Yourself
For the sake of your loved ones, if you decide to stop consuming alcohol, it may lead to withdrawal symptoms. So, you need to consult a doctor about how to deal with withdrawal symptoms or join a rehab center where you will be being taken care of.
3- You Skip Meals
If you do not have regular meals, your body is not accustomed to getting food at more or less regular intervals. Or if you repeatedly forget to eat breakfast or lunch, you harm your metabolism. Even if you are trying to eat healthy foods, such as unhealthy eating habits lead to a slower metabolism.
If you do not monitor your diet, then skipping a normal meal can lead to unhealthy snacks, overeating, and weight gain. Plus, inevitable digestive problems arise, you feel tired and sleepy.
How To Help Yourself
Don't skip breakfast. Remember that breakfast should include, if possible, long carbohydrates that will keep you full for a long time and provide you with energy for the morning.
If you cannot afford a full meal during business hours, pay attention to what you are snacking on. Choose fruits, unsweetened dried fruits, and nuts, or sandwiches with pieces of boiled chicken, or unsalted fish on a slice of wholegrain bread with herbs.
4- You Don't Eat Enough Protein
Incredible, but true: many modern people, not being vegetarians, do not eat enough protein foods. The daily "shortage" of proteins in the body of an adult can reach 50%. How is this possible? Easy when you remember that staple foods are mostly carbohydrates and fats. But it is the protein that contains all the vital amino acids that our body needs for normal functioning.
Without these amino acids, the productive work of the brain is impossible. They are the building blocks of our muscles. And when we digest protein, we spend more energy, and this helps us to keep fit. A protein-balanced diet also helps control blood sugar levels.
How To Help Yourself
Pay attention to the ratio of protein to carbohydrate foods in your diet. Read labels on finished foods, choose those that are rich in protein. Even different packs of cottage cheese or different cans of fish canned in their juice can have different protein content. Train yourself to eat boiled meat (no fats).
5- You Are Not Eating Enough Fat
This is another very common mistake for those who are losing weight and those who follow a healthy lifestyle. Fat is associated by many with what is deposited on the sides and stomach. Therefore, they try to completely remove it from the diet. Skimmed milk, cottage cheese, cheese, meat, and other foods are becoming the norm on the table. A boycott has been announced for butter and all fatty foods in general.
But the rejection of fats should be reasonable and balanced. The fact is that our body needs fats for normal functioning. Moreover, our body does not know how to synthesize part of the vital fatty acids contained in dietary fats. Therefore, you must regularly receive it with food. If this does not happen, our brain suffers first. At first, efficiency falls, then we begin to notice.
How To Help Yourself
Sources of saturated and unsaturated fat should be kept separate, and not cut off all in your daily diet. Eating unsaturated fats will not lead you to obesity, especially if you know how to keep the measure.
Sources of healthy fats include, for example, salmon, nuts, avocados, olives, seeds, vegetable oils (cold-pressed!). Many nutritionists advise against completely ditching saturated fat sources such as butter and cheese.
Summing Up
Also, excessive passion for strong tea, coffee, and medicines can affect health and well-being in a not very positive way. If everything is relatively clear with the first two are useful only in moderate doses, then why drugs can be harmful, because they cure?
The fact of the matter is that we are talking about an excessive hobby. Grabbing pills at the slightest discomfort is not the best habit. It is better to allow the body to use its internal resources and to resort to drugs in extreme cases and on the recommendation of a doctor.
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