Depending on the sign you need, the material it would be made from could differ significantly. Do you need your sign to be able to handle the weather or the sun for months? Or, is it for a sign that goes on the door to your office or store? There are several materials available, and we'll help find the best one for you.
One of the most popular choices for signs, both indoors and outdoors, is aluminum, which is an excellent choice due to its versatility and durability. If you need a larger sign to be mounted outside, then aluminum is resistant to rust and is relatively light compared to other metals, making it easier to mount. If you need an indoor sign, aluminum can provide a sleek and professional solution. Be aware that aluminum can be prone to dents, so if this is possible, potentially choose a hardier material.
Another common material choice for signage, acrylic is also known as plexiglass and is perfect for signs with a detailed design. Plexiglass is known for being very durable and won't shatter or break under most circumstances. It's also transparent, meaning you can have light from a bulb or the wall's color behind it pass through. If acrylic signs do break, you'll generally need to replace them as repairs are complicated.
This is a middle ground between aluminum and acrylic, and uses a combination of the two to produce a unique set of characteristics that are perfect for outdoor signs. The plastic center is sandwiched between two aluminum sheets to make a very durable and weather-resistant sign, and be lightweight and very thin. These signs are slightly less rigid than aluminum and are relatively expensive.
PVC Foam Board
Foam board signs are among the cheapest options available, making them perfect for anyone on a budget or needing multiple characters that don't need to last a very long time. If you have an event that's a one-off or that you host once a year, this would be a recommended choice for your signage. Designs on foam boards look very bright and vibrant, which, along with their lightweight, makes them ideal for trade shows. These signs will be durable enough for reasonable use, but aren't as weather-resistant as other materials, so they may not be as useful for long-term outdoor use. You can check prices for foam board printing at https://www.printmoz.com/foam-board-printing.
Vinyl is usually used for banners and is a durable material often used when the fabric isn't a choice we recommend. If you need to hang your banner outside, and if rain is a strong possibility, this is a good option as the material is resistant to the wet and is generally very durable. Printed banners are also cheaper than rigid signs. However, they may not look as professional, so it will depend on whether you choose a vinyl banner over an acrylic sign.
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