Many people are under the misconception that bed bugs are a myth from old wives' tales. However, they are very much real. When they invade your house, they seek out the blood of people and animals. An infestation can be so problematic that places like hotels that fall victim to them can end up having to close.
These bugs can live anywhere in your house, not just in your beds. However, they're most common in mattresses, bed frames, and box springs. Another rumor is that they only infest dirty places, but they can take up residency anywhere where the conditions are optimal.
Prevention of such creepy crawlies in your home is always easier and cheaper than the cure. In this article, we'll explore what you can do to deter them from invading your house. We'll also take a look at what you can do when all else fails.
To stop the increased chance of bed bugs spreading when you travel, you should always pack your clothing in vacuum seal bags. By doing this, you'll prevent bed bugs from hitching a ride on your belongings back to your home.
Another top tip is to use a vacuum cleaner at home. The high powered suction can get into the nooks and crannies and suck out any eggs hiding in the crevices. To make this job even easier, and make your home less appealing to bugs, cut down on any clutter against your walls. Additionally, you should organize your things into plastic storage containers.
It's crucial that you also take the time to inspect your pets and regularly check out your mattress. A cover can help to reduce the likelihood of an infestation and make spotting the bugs easier.
When Prevention Isn't Enough
If you've taken all the necessary steps to prevent these critters from entering your territory, but you still find yourself with an infestation, it's crucial to act quickly. Spotting the early invasion signs can include finding bed bug dirt or old blood on your mattress. You may also have bites on your exposed limbs and face.
Hire a Professional
If you suspect your house has bugs, you can either treat them yourself or hire a specialist. Many professionals will use dogs to detect the areas which need treatment for bed bugs. They may also use special vacuums, chemicals, and fumigation techniques.
Choosing this route is by far the most effective. An expert holds all the tools and knowledge to rid you of the problem.
DIY Treatment
If you can't afford a professional exterminator and decide to go solo on this mission, you should find the infestation and contain the area. Vacuum, seal the bag, and clean it out thoroughly. Pack all affected linens and clothes in plastic bags and put them through a hot wash. If the item can't be washed, vacuum seal it and leave it for a month to suffocate the critters.
You may need to throw out anything that's possibly bug-ridden. For instance, old books from under the bed and heavily invaded furniture. If you do, make sure you tear it up and write "bed bugs'' across it. By doing this, the item won't end up in the home of an unsuspecting recycler.
Final Words
Bed bugs are a pest that can wreak havoc. Prevention is always better than the cure, and there are a variety of methods you can use to deter them from moving in. If you're unfortunate enough to experience an invasion, there's professional help out there to reclaim your home.
Alternatively, you can try and get rid of them yourself. Doing this will take time, dedication, sacrifice, and a good eye.
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