Many older people complain about how it has gotten difficult to get a good night's sleep. Bodies go through a lot of changes when the aging process begins and sleep can sometimes be impacted. Sleep is important no matter your age, but it is crucial for senior citizens to be able to sleep well.

This is because sleep is one of the central pillars of good health. To stay healthy, you have to get enough of it. It takes a plan and a few changes to your lifestyle to be sure to get enough sleep to be able to maintain your health. When you start sleeping well, your immune system will be strengthened and allow you to fend off any illnesses. Plus, you will be able to stay more active which is also essential to staying healthy as a senior citizen.

In this article, we will go over several tips to help you get plenty of sleep when you get older.

1 - Get the right bed

The last line of defense when it comes to getting a good night's sleep is your bed. It doesn't matter what other measures you take. If your bed is not good then you will not sleep well. You'll need to at least have a good mattress that will support your body while also allowing your pressure points to sink into it. This keeps your spine aligned and will help you keep your back pain-free.

There is also a bed that is perfect for when you're older. The best adjustable beds for seniors are ideal for helping you sleep for a variety of reasons. The simple fact that you can adjust the best to customize it to tailor it to your exact needs is the biggest benefit.

If you are a back sleeper, then you can tilt your head up a bit to make sure that your neck is not feeling the pressure. You are also able to lift your legs up a bit if you have circulation problems or even if you have edema or swelling of the feet. Some people just like to keep their knees up and will often use pillows stacked underneath them to achieve this but with an adjustable bed, this is a much simpler and more comfortable process.

If you aren't interested in an adjustable bed, make sure to at least do a sleep test to see which type of mattress is going to be best for you. Knowing your needs will help you pick the ideal mattress so you will sleep more soundly.

2 - Stay active

The less that you do during the day, then the less tired you will feel. This makes it difficult for the brain to decide it's time to sleep and send out waves of melatonin. This means that you have to stay active during the day to be able to get a proper rest that night. To get to bed on time and get enough sleep you should be getting plenty of exercise during the day and doing other activities that keep you from sitting around too much.

This activity is going to also be a big factor in maintaining your health but when you combine it with a proper rest then you have a very powerful weapon against aging prematurely. There is a positive feedback loop that also helps. Exercise is good at improving your sleep and when you sleep better you have more energy to exercise more.

This means that you are forming a cycle that is going to have a lot of huge benefits for your health and quality of life. To get the most out of your retirement you should focus on these two major factors.

3 - Practice good sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene is simply a series of habits or routines that will allow you to fall asleep quickly and sleep more deeply. It involves a few changes to your lifestyle to make sure that you are focused on your sleep.

The first thing to do is to set aside 30 minutes before bed to focus on getting your mind ready. Eliminate any kinds of distractions that will keep your brain active and not ready to get into sleep mode. The first thing to do is shut off any devices such as a phone or TV. After that, take the rest of the 30 minutes of time to focus on doing things that will encourage sleep.

Get your bed ready and then take a hot shower or bath. This will calm you down and get your muscles relaxed. When you then get into your room and under the covers you will be ready to sleep and should fall asleep quickly.

Avoid drinking alcohol before bed. Although it will make you feel sleepy, it will affect the body's ability to get deep asleep. It goes without saying that caffeine should be avoided at all costs.

4 - Try essential oils

Although essential oils have a funny reputation due to many people claiming all kinds of cures they can provide, they do actually work well with putting you in sleep mode. There are certain oils that have scents that trigger hormones in the brain to activate and lead to you feeling sleepy.

For instance, it is widely known that chamomile tea is a good way to get to sleep, and the essential oils from the flower also work well when you smell them. 

There are many other types of scents that will also help you get to sleep. Lavender is probably the other well-known one that is also very popular.

There are a few ways to use the oils to get you sleepy. There are diffusers that will vaporize the oils and fill the bedroom with the scent to help you fall asleep fast. Or, you could lightly spray some of the scent onto your pillow and sheets. If you are planning to take a bath before bed then adding a few drops to the warm water will release the scent for you to inhale while you soak.

5 - Consider sleep medication

If you have tried all of the methods above and you are still struggling to get enough sleep, then you might need to consider taking sleep medication. This is a decision you should make with your doctor as they will help you determine what the best course of action is for you.

There are many types of sleep medication that you can take that will help you get the sleep you need. One of the most common types is Ambien. This medication is taken orally and works by interacting with receptors in the brain to help you fall asleep quickly.

There are many other types of sleep medication that you can take that will help you get the sleep you need. One of the most common types is Ambien. This medication is taken orally and works by interacting with receptors in the brain to help you fall asleep quickly.