Awareness of the way in which humans have affected the environment is causing people to become more thoughtful about how they live their lives. Being eco friendly not only protects the environment, but also saves you money and you will live in a healthier, more sustainable way. Here are 5 ways you can be more eco-friendly.

Use Eco Friendly Washing Products

The products we use to wash ourselves and our clothes often contain chemicals that have an adverse effect on the environment. They are washed away and end up in rivers and seas and can poison wildlife, while causing irreversible damage to their habitats. As companies become more aware of people's need for washing products that do not have a harmful effect on the environment, more are available. Take a look at the labels of your washing products and see if they use eco-friendly ingredients.

Fix Things!

Fixing things is a simple way to protect the environment. When we throw things out, it has to go somewhere and usually that somewhere is a landfill. These landfills are destructive to local ecologies and can release harmful chemicals and toxins into the environment. Purchasing a silicone sealant which is appropriate for countless applications will allow you to fix things instead of throwing them out.

Eat Less Meat

Farming methods are often unsustainable and farm animals and the processes used to mass-produce meat make an enormous contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. This doesn't mean you have to completely stop eating meat, but perhaps just eat it a few times a week. Eating vegan or vegetarian options will also add variety to your diet and contribute to making you healthier.

Use More Public Transportation

If you're going to get in the car and drive into town, have a think about if it would be just as quick to use public transportation. Reducing the amount of cars on the road is one way which will start to reduce the impact humans have on the environment. Even better if you feel that walking is a better option than transport. Either way, cut down on the amount you use your car and use it only for long journeys or when completely necessary.

Buy Biodegradable Products

Plastic has a huge impact on our environment. As it doesn't break down easily, it remains where it is left and causes great harm to wildlife and their living spaces. By using biodegradable products you will be cutting down on the amount of plastic you are using and also using products which will naturally break down due to natural processes. Instead of taking a plastic bag for your shopping, think about whether you can carry it without a bag or at least use a paper one.

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is not as difficult as most people think. There are now options available for us to move away from plastic usage and the constant use of our cars. It takes some thought and research on your part, but you will be making a positive change to the environment.