The latest IPCC Climate Change Report released in August 2021 left most of us quite overwhelmed. Although the science behind it is complex, the future would be grim unless we take the right steps without any further delay.

While we keep asking for structural changes from the top down, there is room for each one of us to contribute to avoiding climate change. Let us take a look at some of the easy steps that you can adopt to start impacting the environment right now. 

1. Go Paperless

    Yes, even in this ultra-digital world, we continue to rely on paper, a lot more than you think. In fact, when it comes to businesses, 50% of their waste is primarily composed of paper. Things are not so different in educational institutions as well. 

    In schools and colleges, there are several ways to reduce paper consumption. By taking notes on computers, attending online tests, and getting help with essays from the paper writing service like WritePaper it is indeed possible to go paperless completely. Most of the governmental procedures can also be carried out online, not only saving your time but also resources. This simple switch from paper to digital can help diminish your carbon footprint to a noticeable extent. 

    2. Try a Plant-Based Diet 

      Plant-based diets are gaining popularity, and there are relatively more options these days. Avoiding meat can be a huge step towards an eco-friendly lifestyle. That said, for those who enjoy meat, this can be a huge and drastic change. 

      What you can do is reduce your meat consumption as much as possible. These days, it is easy to find plant-based meat alternatives and other foods that can make up for your meat cravings. 

      3. Reduce Food Wastage 

        While on the subject of food, it is essential to take a hard look at how much you are wasting. On average, in America, around 40% of food purchased is wasted. 

        On the bright side, several simple solutions can help you lower your food waste and reduce your carbon footprint. 

        • Before you go shopping for groceries, take stock of everything you have so you will not buy things you don't need. 

        • Before purchasing bulk items because it is a good deal, think twice about whether you will use all of them. If not, you will end up wasting the rest. 

        • Plan your groceries so that you buy only the right amount of food. When possible, adapt the recipe to your needs. 

        • Get creative with your leftovers. 

        • If you tend to eat less food than the standard portions served at a restaurant, take home the leftover food. 

        • You can also extend the life of your food by freezing them properly - be it fresh herbs, produce, or leftover portions. 

        4. Avoid Air Travel

          Unless you walk or cycle, every transportation method you use is going to harm the environment, some more than others. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to avoid air travel. Many jobs require you to fly on a regular basis. However, with many organizations making a shift to virtual meetings, you can cut down on business meetings that involve air travel.

          The environment-friendly alternative would be to attend virtual meetings in scenarios where your physical presence is not mandatory. 

          5. Go Car-Free

            Similar to air travel, cars are another significant contributor to carbon emissions. You can reduce your reliance on cars by using public transportation whenever possible. Alternatively, based on the distance, you can also cycle or walk. 

            As it goes, your decision to live car-free will depend on environmentally-friendly public policies to a large extent. Without such available options, you might find it difficult to avoid using your car. However, whenever possible, you can make a conscious decision to use public transportation. 

            6. Reduce Your House's Energy Consumption 

              Our homes use a significant amount of energy on an everyday basis to heat the living area or water, cool the home, and run any appliances. Even small changes to this can add up to make a big difference. 

              Take a note of these to get started with. 

              • If you have an individual heating/cooling system - turn it down. You can insulate your windows and use blinds to keep the temperature inside stable. 

              • A water temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit is sufficient for the average person. Turn down your water heater to not exceed it. 

              • Turn off the lights and appliances when you are not using them. You should also turn off the power outlets as these can consume energy. 

              • Buy appliances that require lesser levels of energy. 

              • Replace your incandescent lights with LEDs, which consume 85% less energy. 

              • Don't set fridge and freezer temperatures lower than required. In fact, 35 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit is sufficient for fresh food compartments. 

              • If possible, try to switch to renewable energy sources. Installing solar panels on your house might involve a high investment, but it can cut down your energy consumption and costs in the long run. Switching to these can also get you incentives such as tax credits and rebates. 

              7. Make Your Home Energy Efficient 

                While on the topic of energy consumption, you can also take simple steps to make your home more energy-efficient. These include:

                • Install a cool roof made of reflective material. This way, the light will be redirected away from your house, keeping it more cool. 

                • You can plant more trees and shrubs around your house. This can be not only aesthetically pleasing but also a quick insulation fix at a relatively low cost. 

                • If you live in an older house, the chances are your windows, doors, and other glass coverings do not meet modern standards. Change them for modern insulated variants. 

                8. Shop Sustainably 

                  Shopping goes well beyond clothes and groceries - and for everything you purchase, there are ways to take climate change into account. You can start by adopting the following to reduce your carbon footprint:

                  • Always take a reusable bag when you go shopping or anywhere you go. You never know when one might come in handy. 

                  • Skip the plastic or other packing on fruits and vegetables. 

                  • Instead of buying cheap products, invest in costlier but higher-quality ones. They will last longer, which will allow you to save more. 

                  • Support companies and initiatives that are trying to be environmentally conscious. However, make sure that they are authentic first. 

                  • Shop vintage or second-hand. You might come across a statement piece or a perfectly good appliance. 


                  If you are committed to saving the planet, the best way to start would be to understand what exactly your carbon footprint is. You can use a CO2 footprint calculator from a governmental agency to understand this. 

                  Once you do, it will be easier to take the right steps to tackle the most important sources. Even though your efforts might appear insufficient - if everyone starts small, it can add up. 

                  That said, of course, there are more ways. You can also try to create more awareness among your friends, family, and acquaintances. If you can make even a small change, it can be helpful. When it comes to climate change, every bit counts.