It is an undeniable fact that our body naturally becomes weak and causes many problems as we age. One such problem is back pain. This article talks about the prevalence, causes, and treatment of back pain in people over 50.

Is back pain common in persons over the age of 50?

Yes, back pain conditions are very common in persons over the age of 50. As you age, it's normal to have back pain. Studies show that nearly 85% of people will experience back pain during their lifetime. Between the ages of 40 and 60, the majority of people start experiencing back pain. Chronic back pain is common in 24.2% of women and 12.3% of men over the age of 65.

The common causes of back pain in persons over the age of 50

Back pain in individuals over 50 can be caused by a variety of conditions. Here are the common causes of back pain in persons over the age of 50.

1. Osteoarthritis

Facet joint wear and tear causes increased friction while rotating or bending the spine, resulting in spinal osteoarthritis. It occurs when the cartilage in the joints deteriorates, leading to bone injury. It is the most common cause of back pain in people over 50.

2. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis causes a reduction in bone density and mass, making your vertebrae more vulnerable to fractures as you age. This is common in more than 40 % of postmenopausal women due to hormonal changes following menopause and also causes severe back pain.

3. Vertebral disc degeneration

As we become older, our joints lose their ability to self-lubricate and cushion. Therefore, spinal discs lose their capacity to withstand pressure and strain. They degenerate and can no longer support the spinal cord effectively. This pinches the nerves, causes inflammation and pain.

4. Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the canal through which your spinal cord passes. It stresses the spinal cord causing numbness, cramping, and pain. Disc degeneration, arthritic facet joints, and ligament thickening in the back are all common causes of this narrowing.

What are the ways to treat back pain as a person over the age of 50?

The various ways to treat back pain as a person over the age of 50 are:

1.      You can perform various stretching exercises like knee-to-chest stretch, Child's Pose, Cat-Cow stretch, Sphinx stretch, and the Cobra Pose.

2.      You can go for physical therapy that includes massage, stretching, and exercises to address pain-causing factors.

3.      You can use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat back pain.

4.      You can try acupuncture in which small needles are inserted into certain points on your spine.

5.      If your pain is severe, you can consult a chiropractor.

6.      Keep surgery as a last resort in case none of the above-mentioned ways treat your back pain.


Although back pain is a common problem and not entirely preventable, you can avoid it to some extent. Therefore, we should try to postpone the onset of back pain as long as possible by making the necessary lifestyle choices.