If you have holes in your ductwork, this can be for a variety of different reasons. Holes can form because of improperly sealed duct connections, loosely connect ducts, and pests are getting into your ductwork. Holes in your ductwork can cause your home's HVAC system to work harder and eventually lead to its breakdown. Holes can also cause your monthly energy bills to increase and your home to be filled full of dust and debris.

How Do You Know You Have Holes In Your Ductwork?

There will be several signs that you have holes in your ductwork, and these include:

  • Energy bills. You will start to see an increase in your energy bills. If there has not been a dramatic shift in temperature and you know you have not changed anything, the chances are that you have holes in your ductwork.
  • Warm or cold rooms. If your HVAC system is running, but you find that some of the rooms in your home are warmer or cooler than the others, this is a sign that you have holes in your ductwork.
  • Dust. If you notice that your house is staying dusty, even with frequent dusting, this is a sign of holes in your ductwork. Dirt and debris from under your home can get sucked into the ductwork, causing you to see and breathe in dust.
  • Furnace filter. You may notice that your furnace filter needs to be changed more frequently. This is because dust is being drawn up through the system from the holes.
  • Duct. If you look at your duct and see peeling, duct tape, sealant, or metal, this is a sign that you have a hole in your duct. If you see any kinked, crushed, or tangled ductwork, you definitely will want to get that fixed as soon as possible.

If you find that you have any of the above problems, your HVAC machine is not working at peak efficiency. These holes are causing wear and tear on your heating and cooling unit and costing you a fortune in your electric bills.

Finding The Hole

The very first step you will need to take is to find the holes in your ductwork. The first place you should start is to look at any exposed ductwork you have. In some houses, you will need to remove the removable tile ceiling or go up under your house to take a look at the ductwork. Look for holes and any signs that you have an issue with your ductwork.

Sometimes, the holes can be very small, and you may not be able to see them. If this is the case, you will want to do a smoke test. Turn your unit onto the fan setting and use a candle. Take the smoke and put it over the exposed ducts. You should start where your ducts are connected. If you see the smoke is blown away or pulled into the ductwork, you have holes in the ductwork.

Repairing Your Ductwork

If you find where your ducts have holes in them, you will want to start the repair.

  • Fixing the holes. To repair any holes in your ductwork, you should use duct mastic sealing or metal duct tape. These will help to stop leakages for the long term without you having to redo or reapply in the future. If the hole is large, you may want to have that piece of ductwork replaced. Losing a large amount of airflow can greatly damage your HVAC system and cause your power bill to skyrocket.
  • Inspect vents and registers. Once you have fixed the holes in your ductwork, look at your registers and vents and make sure that they are well connected. In some cases, these connections can get loose, and if they are, you are losing air that way as well. Tighten these connections up to ensure adequate airflow.
  • Insulate your ductwork. To help prevent holes that might be caused by pests, you should insulate your ductwork. Insulating your ductwork will prevent air from escaping your ductwork. You will notice that your system works more efficiently, which will save you a lot of money.

When To Call An HVAC Professional

If you do all of the steps above, but you are still having issues with your HVAC system not being efficient, you will want to call a professional HVAC company out to inspect your system. There may be holes in the ductwork that you have missed, or the holes may be in a part of the ductwork that is not exposed. A professional technician will have all the tools to figure out where you are losing air, and they will be able to fix it immediately. If you have a significant issue, they can recommend that you have your ductwork replaced, and they can do that for you.

Keeping your HVAC unit running at peak efficiency will help your system run for many years and help to decrease your energy bills. If you notice that anything is wrong with your system, consider inspecting your ductwork for holes. If you are not sure about how to find the holes, call a professional HVAC company to help you to figure out what is going on.