A lot of money goes into energy use at home or commercial facilities in Singapore. You have multiple systems which rely on electricity to run and this accounts for a big chunk of your home or business maintenance. With the increasing cost of electricity, there has to be a way to lower your electricity bill. Most of the changes you can make are short-term and will affect the quality of your life.

This is where an alternative source of energy comes in handy. A solar energy system offers a clean and renewable source of energy for your home. These systems have become increasingly popular as more residential and commercial consumers look for ways to lower their energy bills. Solar energy batteries have come in to help consumers get more out of their clean energy systems.

This post demystifies energy storage systems to help you make the best decision.

Why You Need an Energy Storage System

To maximize your solar energy system, you need an effective storage solution. The intermittency of power from renewables such as wind or solar makes it necessary to have an efficient, and scalable storage system.

You need a system to store the power generated during the day for an effective supply of electricity when your household most needs it. With an efficient storage system, you have a consistent supply of energy throughout the year.

When the sun stops shining, your solar system won't supply direct electricity anymore. In normal circumstances, you would have to resort to the grid to power your home or business. With a high-capacity solar storage battery unit, you don't have to worry about the variability of solar energy supply.

The intermittency of clean energy sources such as wind and the sun continues hindering full adoption of these clean energy sources. Battery energy storage systems have emerged as the missing link to overcome the intermittency limitations of renewable energy sources. Property owners can fully maximize the benefits of clean energy by installing storage systems.

In summary, an energy storage system helps to:

  1. Increase the cost savings of clean energy system such as solar
  2. Help with environmental conversation by reducing reliance on the grid
  3. Boosting energy security by making it possible to go fully off-grid
  4. Improving the ROI of clean energy systems as they can pay themselves off faster
  5. Increasing property value as home buyers look for features that boost energy efficiency in listings
  6. Helping you realize the full potential of clean energy
  7. Reduce the impact on the environment

Types of Energy Storage Systems

Common storage systems on the market include:


Batteries are the most common energy storage systems and also the most practical. While batteries have always been available, the advances in battery technology makes them more efficient, safer, and cheaper. Lithium-ion batteries are the most common energy storage systems. The flexibility and the reliability of the technology make them highly effective to harness clean energy.

Alternative battery technologies such as Redox flow batteries and Zinc-hybrid batteries have emerged. Most of the products using these technologies are new in the market.

Thermal Energy Storage

These systems convert energy into heat that can be reused at a later time. The systems are available in Sensible heat storage, latent heat storage, and thermo-chemical storage. A lot of research and development continues in these technologies to make them affordable and practical for large-scale use.

Mechanical Energy Storage

These are systems which leverage kinetic or gravitational forces for energy storage.

Hydrogen (Power-Gas) Energy Storage

This system relies on a chemical process of electrolysis of water, which entails the separation of hydrogen and oxygen molecules. The hydrogen from the reaction is stored and used to generate electricity but with no emissions as in fossil fuels

Investing in Energy Storage

This insight certainly increases your interest to invest in energy storage. Many property owners in Singapore who had invested in solar without enough storage capacity wonder whether they have to overhaul the entire system. Before you invest in energy storage in Singapore, consider the following:

  1. Assess your home' energy needs: The solar energy contractor helps you audit your needs to guarantee you install a storage system that suits such needs
  2. Work with a certified solar contractor: Look for a highly qualified solar contractor with a solid reputation in the industry. This is the only way to get an effective installation for your home
  3. Get a warranty: Before you install your energy storage, compare the best systems on the market and find one with a leading warranty
  4. Safety: The best energy storage system must meet the highest safety standards. Don't compromise when it comes to quality and safety to protect your family and your home
  5. Upgrade vs overhaul of the system: Do you upgrade the existing solar energy system to install energy storage or overhaul everything? Talk to your contractor and assess the most cost-effective solution

Final Thoughts

If you want to get the most out of your solar energy system, consider adding an energy storage system. This means you always have enough energy on demand. It's the best way to maximize the benefits of clean renewable energy. The system overcomes the variability associated with clean energy sources.