Flower Power

Famous horticulturist, Luther Burbank said, "Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food, and medicine for the soul."

Indeed, flowers are instant mood-lifters and can brighten up any gloomy day. But did you know flowers, apart from making you happy, do have incredible health benefits? Experts at www.pearsonsflorist.com.au have the most amazing facts to share about flower power.

Stress-relieving impact of flowers

Being in contact with nature refreshes our mind, body, and soul. With the increasing pressures of modern city-life, direct contact with nature is not feasible. But fresh flowers on your work-desk or bed-side table can work wonders to improve your mood. A study conducted by Rutgers University reveals that flowers can moderate your mood naturally. Try keeping a bunch of flowers in the room and see how your space jazzes up in no time and makes you feel good almost magically. 

Secret health benefits of flowers

Researchers at the Kansas State University reported that that fresh flowers could lessen pain in patients, lower blood pressure, and overall, accelerate recovery. Flowers induce positive physiological responses in patients and effectively reduce the chances of the flu during dry winters. Do you ask how? Flowers as natural humidifiers can help keep your interiors hydrated, thus safeguarding you from getting sore throats and dry coughs. 

Failing memory or lack of concentration? Grab a flower bouquet

Colourful blooms of nature have a proven track record of energising the mind, boosting focus, and improving productivity. Flowers at your work-desk can help you perk up and strive towards achieving your goals on time. Fragrant flowers can activate your brain cells to fire up memory capacity. Flowers of vibrant colours, like a bouquet of Red Azalea, will rejuvenate you to work harder. Peace lilies are also known to boost memory and efficiency. 

Detox your environment with flowers

We all know that plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and give us oxygen. But did you know that you can also detoxify your interiors with certain flowers and plants that suck in the toxins present in the room? A case in point is Moth Orchids or Phalaenopsis, which can effectively remove harmful chemicals like formaldehyde from a freshly painted room. Peace Lily and Chrysanthemums are known to remove toxins like carbon monoxide, benzene, xylene, etc. 

How about a bit of flower power on your plate?

Yes, flowers have traditionally been used to add colour and aroma to your plate, not to mention the alleviation of taste. Interestingly, edible flowers have phytonutrients, flavonoids, and antioxidants, which can lower the risk of heart ailments, cancer and slow the process of aging. Crucial vitamins such as A, C, and E are common in flowers like rose and lavender.

You can use flowers as marinades, dressings, spreads, and jams in your salads and desserts, infused in your tea and cocktails. Rose is anti-inflammatory and can be used in jams and desserts. Jasmine and hibiscus are trendsetting beverages that help you de-stress. The lavender essential oil can calm your nerves and help you sleep like a baby. 

Gift a bouquet of fresh flowers to yourself and your loved ones today and take advantage of these oft-overlooked benefits they offer.