Electrical work is one of the more complicated tasks at home that will often require professional assistance. After all, the slightest mistake can lead to a short circuits or electrical shocks, and performing such DIY jobs is not the same as replacing a door knob or painting the kitchen.

Let's take a look at some tips to remember when hiring an electrician to get the job done.

1. Pick an Electrician that Can Self Certify Their Work

Electrical work in the home should be carried out in line with legal standards in the trade. For example, "Part P" refers to the fact that certain work needs to be inspected or approved by a local authority. However, some electricians are registered with a competent persons scheme which means they can self-certify this work rather than contacting another body.


2. Check Reviews for Past Performance

As you know, reviews are most often unbiased and an opportunity to get some real-time feedback on a specific electrician. With this in mind, it's important to use reviews on social media and relevant websites to ensure the punctuality, reliability and ability of your electrician. Aside from peace of mind, this will ensure that you have a well respected and competent trade person on the job.


3. Agree to Price and Time Before Getting Started

In terms of getting started, you should never proceed with a job before agreeing on a specific price and outline for the work. That is, you don't want any surprises later on down the road and this quotation should include all costs including labor and materials. What's more, the schedule for this work is just as important and you should always agree on a specific time-frame for the completion of the job.


4. Take Caution with the Cheapest Quotation

It's true, the cheapest option is often too good to be true. When comparing quotations, try not to choose the cheapest option and take time to focus on picking the right person for the job. More specifically, spend more time on the other points on this list and less time worrying about the cost.


5. Insist that a Certificate is Issued Upon Completion of the Work

Needless to say, your electrician should be fully registered and insured. However, you should also insist that a certificate be issued upon completion of the work. Just so you know, any concerns about the issue of this certificate is not a good sign and a reason you should look for help elsewhere.

6. Choose an Electrician that Makes You Feel Comfortable

It's easy to think that all electricians are created equal but the truth is, many tradespeople cut corners in order to save time. In fact, some electricians will even avoid telling their client about potential problems or complications in order to save them from having to carry out extra work.