There are several genres of movies, and when you select any one of them, you are left with an endless list to watch. They induce a myriad of emotions from you in a matter of minutes. Movies provide laughter and happiness, develop resentment, or elicit sadness.

The world is vast and you have endless choices of movies to watch.  Viewing a meaningful film can change your perspective on life. You may view life in a different direction or feel grateful for the things you have. The following movies are not only mesmerizing to watch but they offer a take on what is really going on in the world, rather than displaying fictional stories that are too perfect and make you feel inadequate or dissatisfied with your own life. 

Forrest Gump

Everybody except those living under a rock have heard of or seen this Tom Hanks film, about a passionate man who is not accepted by the community due to his slow wittedness. He has a crooked way of walking and was overly protected by his mother, as she had the idea that he wasn't strong enough to face the world. However, this man grows to achieve the most honorable achievements, witnesses important historical moments, and meets many powerful leaders of the world. 

With nothing but his optimism, passion, and intelligence, he is able to achieve what most high profilers aren't able to achieve. The movie is an excellent lesson for everyone.  Even if you don't have many resources or a bright mind, you can do a lot with hard work and good conduct.

The Pursuit of Happyness

A movie starring the best of actors, Will Smith, portraying the role of a salesman and a father of a four-year-old son. The story begins with Chris Gardener selling medical scanners that are deemed to be better than the conventional ones by the salesman. As he doesn't accumulate much cash with his venture, his wife remains unhappy with him, and eventually, their relationship becomes sour. But one day Chris luckily gets to meet and impress the manager at Dean Witter Reynolds. A series of happenings occur and Chris is accepted as an unpaid employee at the firm, while his wife leaves him with their son and they become homeless.

The film is a fantastic story of how a father cares for his son and takes on challenges to make their financial situation better.  You are inspired to believe that you, yourself, could turn around similar situations with patience and diligence as accomplished by this salesman.  

Beautiful Boy

This movie will open your eyes to how drug addiction can ruin someone's life and cause the people that love them to fall into agony. This is a true story about a boy named Nic Sheff, who is bright and is set to accomplish a lot with his intellectualism and talents.  Sent off to college by his dad, David Sheff, he gives in to an addiction to drugs that he developed in school and diverts him from his path. His father tries all ways to help that he can and sends the son to rehab several times but to no avail. As a last resort, he leaves Nic be and waits as he turns back on his own. 

This film will touch your heart deeply if you're a parent. Seeing a child dissolve into drug abuse is the nightmare of many. The founder of Arc Rehab Center explains in his blog what this movie teaches you about teenage drug addiction, and how you can use this knowledge to combat it. 

American Sniper

As the name suggests, the movie is about an American Navy SEAL sniper.  Chris Kyle was taught by his father at a young age to hunt. He married right after joining the army, and is sent on a special mission to Iraq. After Chris returns from many missions, he's in a haze as he has gone through a killing spree on his tours. And even after that, every time he survives to join his family (his wife and newborn daughter), he really isn't there mentally. His actions and memories of the events so deeply affect him that he is not able to return to his normal self and struggles to live a happy life. 

This happens to many soldiers in real life who return from war and have seen their friends and innocent people die. The film is an accurate depiction of how a family of a soldier suffers with them and helps back them up on their arrival home.