Photo by MOHD AZRIN on Unsplash

(Photo : MOHD AZRIN on Unsplash)

Justin Halladay has been wading his way through the entrepreneurial world for the better part of the past two decades. After spending more than 15 years climbing the corporate ladder, working steadfastly to build the dreams of other leaders, Halladay realized that it was time for him to take on challenges of his own to build his future better.

After working for small businesses and major corporations throughout the nation, Halladay settled in the offices of a small software development company in Jacksonville Beach. Five years later, Halladay would find himself in the driver's seat of his destiny, showcasing the tips and techniques that have made him a successful philanthropist and entrepreneur within the digital real estate realm.

Let's explore the winding career of Justin Halladay from his work in the World Trade Center to his efforts in the metaverse, developing real estate on the cutting edge of a new digital realm.

The Mindset of an Entrepreneur

Justin Halladay has spent a non-insignificant amount of time in his life working up corporate ladders while developing relationships with colleagues and customers alike. With that being said, despite his success at any level, Halladay's focus is always on the future.

Halladay says, "Set your goals and stay focused on them. The world is full of more distractions than ever, like television and social media."

Whether developing solutions in the metaverse or building a database of clients in the real world, consistency and hard work are the two solutions to most problems, at least in the eyes of Justin Halladay. Halladay said in an interview with Ideameansch, "Whether it be dieting, relationships or growing a business or network, without consistency there will not be any real success."

To best stay focused on the tasks ahead of him, Halladay likes to lay a foundation that he reflects upon in times of trouble. Halladay says, "I try to divide my days between Faith/God, Family, and Business."

Looking at the Metaverse

While he is often dreaming of the future, particularly with his work in the metaverse, Halladay knows that he has to stay focused on the present to make sure that his ideas come to life in the right way. Halladay says, "I have always gravitated to technology. I spent 15 years of my corporate life in and around technology."

Technology is one thing, but the Metaverse is something else entirely.

While still in its early stages, the Metaverse has developed into something more akin to a concept than a concrete reality. The Metaverse is a digital network of interconnected realms fitted with games, live experiences, communal hangouts, and whatever else the human mind can imagine. 

Justin Halladay is particularly focused on real estate within an area of the Metaverse known as NFT Worlds. This specific area of the Metaverse is considered a play-to-earn gaming metaverse where players can travel between worlds while completing tasks and earning currency. At the time of this writing, the NFT Worlds section of the Metaverse features more than 10,000 complete 3-D digital worlds. 

The NFT Worlds parcels that Halladay and his team are working on is centered on a platform like Sandbox which is powered through a custom developed gaming platform. Allowing for simple cross-platform support and ease of access due to familiar tools, Halladay's metaverse business is built around a handful of play-to-earn games where players can rack up the digital currency. 

Halladay said in an interview of the games currently available on his metaverse NFT World, "One of them is called the Crypto Casino."

While sounding out of this world, the Crypto Casino is a digital casino where players can engage with games like Blackjack and Slots while earning digital tokens. Halladay stated in an interview, "If you like going to the casino, you'll be able to play the slots and blackjack and roulette to win tokens."

Engaging with his clients to generate interest while earning digital currency, Halladay hopes that the metaverse flips conventional experiences on its head, providing something old in a new and unique way. Halladay said, "People will be able to play our games and generate crypto coins as they reach certain levels. I'm excited about that one."

Justin Halladay is Building a Future Through Hard Work

While Justin Halladay's ascent up the corporate ladder and into the Metaverse may seem like a natural progression, it was truly anything but. Justin Halladay had to overcome many obstacles in his life to find himself in the place that he is presently at.

Halladay points to his youth with a shrug, noting that he never graduated from college. Halladay stated simply, "I overcame it by being self-taught."

Like in much the rest of his life, Justin Halladay focused instead on what he could handle rather than on what he couldn't. Halladay found himself working at a string of small businesses throughout his early working years, eventually finding himself traveling to New York. Halladay would find himself working with Morgan Stanly Dean Witter for over half of a decade in the World Trade Center.

Upon leaving his work with Morgan Stanly Dean Witter, Halladay would find himself operating as the global rollout manager for a Denver-based corporation. A short transition would find Halladay starting the next chapter of his life, the one that he would build for himself.

Instead of burning bridges as he left one company for the next, Halladay focused on fostering positive relationships while building amicable working relations. A positive personality and an affinity for hard work would soon reveal just how much of a leader Halladay was. Halladay said of this period, "With such a strong support network, I can always surround myself with people who are wiser than me."

Finding and modeling yourself after a mentor is one of the big points of advice that Justin Halladay offers to his potential followers. Working with a mentor will allow for guidance, questions, and positive growth without nearly as many stumbling blocks. Halladay says, "I have a terrific team of partners and friends to bounce ideas off of and grow them into solutions."

A Focus on Philanthropy

While it is true that Justin Halladay is a profit-focused entrepreneur, that doesn't mean he isn't leading in the world of philanthropy, as well. Halladay and his family have given extensively to organizations throughout Guatemala, focusing largely on orphanages with at-risk children, widows, and orphans. With his partner from Guatemala, their passion for the project makes a ton of sense.

Halladay said of the desire to help orphanages in other countries, "We're working with a group that's very close to my wife's heart. We are hoping to travel over and visit the ministry and children real soon!"

Aside from his work with orphanages throughout Guatemala, Halladay and his family like to give back to causes close to home - though you won't find their name in the paper for it. Halladay says, "Most of the things we do, we request that it be completely anonymous." 

Outside of his work in philanthropy and in digital real estate, Halladay is largely focused on bringing his family to a brighter and happier future. With three young children all homeschooled under his own roof, Halladay never has a dull day ahead of him. Halladay says, "The days are quite busy!"

Even though he is busier than ever, Halladay admits that he wouldn't want to change a thing. Halladay said in an interview, "Being an entrepreneur allows me the time, freedom, and flexibility to pretty much set my own schedule and work around my family time."