Photo by Mert Guller on Unsplash

(Photo : Mert Guller on Unsplash)

There are many ways to make a difference in the health of our planet. You can plant trees, recycle, use public transportation and compost your food scraps. But here's the thing, those things take time. And sometimes, they're not always easy. There are other, easier ways to make a big difference for our planet in everyday life, including little changes you can start doing today that really make a huge impact. Here are some practical tips for living more green.

Insulate Your House

Insulation can help you save energy, save money, reduce your carbon footprint, impact on the environment, and even reduce your impact on climate change. If you're living in an older home with no insulation, adding some foam or cellulose will make it more efficient by keeping heat inside during winter and helping keep rooms cool during summer. These improvements have positive effects on the environment and make a difference in how comfortable you are at home.

Use Bamboo Cleaning Cloths Instead of Paper Towels

Bamboo is a sustainable plant material that grows quickly, so it's renewable and doesn't require any pesticides to grow. Bamboo absorbs moisture well and can be bleached with chlorine-free bleach or washed in the washing machine. It's antibacterial and naturally anti-static, so it won't leave lint behind. Because it wicks away moisture instead of absorbing it like cotton or other fabrics do, bamboo is ideal for use as kitchen cloths. If your kitchen towels get grimy from food particles that have stuck in the fibers of your towel after being washed, you can easily clean them by washing them with vinegar or baking soda. Both are natural cleaners that work well on many surfaces in your home.

Use an E-reader

One of the best ways to conserve energy is to use an e-reader instead of a tablet or laptop. While it may seem counterintuitive, research has shown that these devices are more energy efficient than their traditional counterparts. In addition to reducing energy usage, switching to an e-reader can help reduce your carbon footprint. By choosing this option over devices that require charging every few hours, such as tablets and smartphones, you'll be able to significantly cut down on energy expenditure and reduce the number of trees used to make paper books.

Get a Reusable Water Bottle

Stainless steel is better for the environment than plastic, which means it's more sustainable. This is because it doesn't need to be manufactured from oil and then thrown away. The truth is stainless steel can last many years if properly cared for. So, getting a reusable water bottle is good; ensuring that it's made of quality steel is better. Stainless steel is durable and will last a long time despite being dropped or accidentally run over by your car. It won't break easily, especially when compared with plastic bottles, which can crack and leak after just a few uses.

Give Back to Ecofriendly Causes

Many people want to make a difference by participating in big projects like ocean cleanups, city-wide litter initiatives, and more. Giving to eco-friendly causes might mean starting a crowdfunding campaign to get others on board. What is crowdfunding? It's a method of raising money for a person, organization or cause that allows people to give any amount, large or small. Giving back to bigger projects ensures that you not only make a difference now but also in the future.

Shop Local

Buying food and goods from farmers' markets and local shops is a great way to support your community and improve the environment. When you do your shopping at a local store, the money is kept in the community instead of being spent on flying an item in from overseas. Additionally, fewer resources are used to ship produce from across the country or the border. Shopping local is an excellent way to give your money to companies that give fair wages to workers and live in your community.

Plant a Garden

Planting your own garden is a great way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, which can be an effective stress reliever. Gardening can also be a great way to get kids involved in the outdoors and provide them with an opportunity for physical activity. In addition, growing your fruits and vegetables is a wonderful way to save money on food costs.