At a popular Florida fishing pier, more than a dozen mutilated pelicans have been found, prompting an appeal from a rescue group devoted to the sea birds for increased enforcement by state wildlife officials for an area known as "pelican death row."

After more than a dozen mutilated birds were found during the past month in the area, a pelican rescue organization in Florida wants state wildlife officials to expand surveillance and launch an investigation at a famous fishing pier in Manatee County.

State authorities say that the incident is being investigated.

The "Friends of the Pelicans" claim that since January 9 on the Manatee County side of the Sunshine Skyway bridge, about 16 mutilated birds have been identified. Kim Begay, vice chairman of the sea bird rescue organization, told the press, "It sure looks like someone has cut a square right into the forehead of several of them."

As early as last week, some of the birds were identified. The party needed to rescue all of them.

At the fishing pier, the party rescues about 35 pelicans daily. In the past two months, they've saved over 600 civilians. Many birds are stuck or snagged with hooks on the fishing line.

The organization claims it has succeeded in rescuing all but one of the injured birds.

The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission of Florida said it is investigating reports of intentionally injured pelicans.

With the conservation agency, Adam Brown said in an email, "We encourage the public to report these violations to the FWC's Wildlife Alert Hotline at 1-888-404-3922." "Callers may remain anonymous and may qualify for a reward."

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Pelicans are a genus of large birds of water that make up the Pelecanidae family. They are distinguished by a long beak and a large throat pouch used to capture prey and drain water from the scooped-up contents until swallowing.

They have predominantly pale plumage, the brown and Peruvian pelicans being the exceptions. Before the mating season, both animals' bills, pouches, and naked facial skin become vividly colored. There is a patchy geographical distribution of the eight living pelican species, extending latitudinally from the tropics to the temperate zone. Still, they are absent from inland South America and from the polar regions and the open seas.

These birds are relatively durable.

Danger Status

Initiatives to limit white pelicans breeding in the state have also been taken by the IDFG.

They were hazing birds (making noisy sounds to disturb the birds) and received a license to kill 50 birds per year from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. (The USFWS has the right to waive this immunity, even if pelicans are legally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.)

Friends of the Pelicans

In their organization's three primary priorities: protection, outreach, and rescue, Friends of the Pelicans aim to avoid any threat that the sea birds might face.

The organization aims to:

  • Prevent fishing line entanglement;
  • Educate the public; and
  • Rescue the birds.

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