timothy sykes review

Born on April 15, 1981, Timothy Sykes is a penny stock trader - famously known for turning $12,415 into $1.65 million under a short duration of time. He is a graduate of Tulane University, and a bachelor's degree holder in Philosophy. Timothy Sykes has been able to build a fortune for himself trading penny stocks. Through his Millionaire Challenge program, several individuals have generated substantial financial fortune - some of them being his students. However, there are some people that still find his stories too good to be true and are shrouded in doubts as to whether to get involved or not. In this article, we will analyze everything about Timothy Sykes and generate a conclusion on the legitimacy of his program.

There are some factors that are being admired about Timothy Sykes - also known as Tim Sykes - offers, and some parts of it that weren't much appreciated. To begin with, we will take a look at the factors that appealed to individuals.

The Best Part:

  • Tim Syke offers various training levels to new and existing students. Being a member of his program comes with various benefits. Also, you can gain access to various membership levels available; these include PennyStocking Silver, TimAlerts, and TimChallenge.

  • Also, there are various video lessons you can check out in the video library; they are over 6,000 videos which are available for subscribers on the TimChallenge and PennyStocking Silver platforms..

  • Then you have the DVD library where you can purchase trading DVDs or have access to them via being a member of the TimChallenge. Note: With the TimChallenge, you are provided with 16 DVDs on trading.

  • Members of the TimChallenge and PennyStocking platform are provided access to 60 videos covering introduction courses on trading.

  • There is access to daily watchlists from Timothy Sykes.

  • It is interesting to note that Tim Sykes and some of his top students provide members of the TimChallenge live webinars each week.

  • Finally, trading chat rooms are available to members to communicate and share knowledge with one another.

Other Eyebrow-Raising Aspects:

  • The first day of the program witnessed inbox of several Tim Sykes related emails - totaling 18 in number. That is quite a number if I would say.

  • The emails received on the 60 Video Intro Course, there were one or two redirect links. In a way, it seemed like the blog post was not available. However, this was not an issue at all, as the links were okay. There could have been a possibility that the website maintenance team had a slight issue.

  • One finally factor that was noticed was the mentor himself - Timothy Sykes. It is interesting to know that Tim Sykes could be a tough and assertive teacher.

The Good, The Bad Sides Of Timothy Sykes Review

The Good:

Over 6,000 Trading Videos In The Video Library:

There is an unhindered access to more than 6,000 videos in the video lesson library. On a weekly basis, new videos are being added, which implies that the knowledge that you stand to gain is exhaustive. These video lessons are being categorized and tagged with stock tickers. Additionally, they are ideal for beginners and trading experts alike. In the video lesson library you can bookmark, rate, and add notes to your favourite trading videos. Having a plethora of categorized lessons helps you easily select videos that are suitable to your level of expertise.

Comprehensive DVD Library:

Profitably alone houses 27 separate DVD courses. There are mini and complex courses available for beginners and experts which contains titles such as Spikeability, ShortStocking, and Trading Tickers. For those on the TimChallenge platform, you have access to 16 trading DVDs which contains lessons ranging from all aspects of penny stock fundamentals to an extensive tutorial on SEC filings. Amongst these lessons is one known as "Learn Level 2," which guides you on how to proficiently use level 2 data to trade OTC stocks. This shows how vast the video lessons are.

The Daily Watchlists:

Prior to the market opening each day, Timothy Sykes sends out an email watchlist. With the watchlist, it is easy to know what market he is monitoring and why?


Each week, members get access to live webinars where trading questions are being asked and answers are always provided. In addition to this, there is live trading for traders to monitor trades in real time. The webinars are always interactive with a whole lot to learn. The webinars provide you all the information you need to succeed as a trader.

60 Videos Covering Various Introductory Courses:

Members on the TimChallenge and PennyStocking Silver that have signed up on Profitly, get daily emails for 60 days, containing a specific link to a past video lesson. The brain behind the video sequence is Mark Croock - a moderator and student of Timothy Sykes. The materials help you build a strong foundation in trading.

The Bad:

Touch Love:

It takes a while to get used to Timothy Sykes's teachings. He mostly calls his teaching styles, "Tough Love." This has a ring to it, as it can be humorous. To ensure that you do not feel out of place in his program, here are some tips to take home:

To begin with, there are some basic questions that should not be asked; especially if these are the questions that you should have received answers to in the video lessons or other resource materials. Also, if you have not gone through these resources for answers, then it's best not to ask questions during a live webinar, as Tim can make you feel moronic. If you have any question that is very important, you can ask one of the mentors, or hold on for a week before you go searching.

Vast Sent Emails On The First Day Alone:

As a result of joining the TimChallenge, there were confirmation emails received for each DVD. There were also two additional welcome emails. Subsequent days had only a few emails being sent daily, which included trade alerts and watchlists. Note that you can opt not to receive these email notifications.

To get the best out of this program, it is advised that you stay dedicated, determined, and focused on the training or study schedule. Do not allow external factors to distract you. Maximize the vast knowledge-filled materials available to build yourself up. If you wish to get started today, you can find out more information via this link: Timothy Sykes Review - Scammer Or No?